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  Dear my beloved Pastor Oh,

  I tried to type Korean letter many times at the business center of hotel, but I am not able to type any character for Korean letter.

  I wanted to see you and to receive your prayer at noon last Saturday(October 14), but I heard that there was big traffic accident to you on Saturday.

  I prayed for the recovery of your health with my heart and sincerity in the morning on Lord's Day. I left Daejeon after 1st worship service and arrived at Denver of Colorado October 15.

  I finished all the schedule on Friday in Denver and had a time for shopping. I droped the Christian Store of Denver Mall. There I found the ceramic frame titled by "Three Nails-Amazing Love of Cross" and bought it pleasedly.

At that moment, my beloved Pastor Oh's circumstance and Lord's Cross were overlapped. My eyes was filled with tears. My beloved Pastor Oh's suffering and Lord's suffering at the Cross may not be same, but the meaning of it may be same.

I believe that Lord's Cross has both the suffering and the curing for my beloved Pastor Oh. I may prasie the Lord of Almighty God.

Until you finish your mission given by Lord, I believe and pray that God may keep your health. I love you with my heart and sincerity.

Please accept my letter with un-fluent English.

I would like to see you after going back to Daejeon October 26.

With Lord's Grace and Love

Soo Hyun Chung