스리랑카 소마 선교사님의 편지
2009.05.29 10:49
▲ 이 책은 스리랑카의 소마 선교사님이 쓰신 신할라어로 된 성경 백과사전의 7권 중의 6번째 권입니다. 그리고 아래의 글은 이 책 서문에 나오는 글입니다.
This is the sixth volume of the projected seven volume series of Sinhala Bible Encyclopaedia. It is written with a view to assist the new generation of seminary and university students as well as all the inquiring students of the Bible. Pastors who serve Sinhala speaking congregations would find this volume useful to discover background data on the Scriptures.
The Hebrew and Greek alphabets have sounds which are not found in the Sinhala language. The recent introduction of the letter ෆ(f) into the Sinhala alphabet has been helpful. However, the Hebrew letters צ, ן, ח and Greek letters ζ, ξ, χ also cannot be accurately transliterated by the Sinhala alphabet and only approximate sounds have been given.
We have given an index at the beginning of the book to assist the reader in finding relevant information. There are two indexes for Sinhala and English titles in order to assist the reader.
We have not been able to insert cross references in the articles since the volumes have been compiled individually. Howerer, when all seven volumes are completed that omission will be rectified.
Many sources have been consulted in the production of this Encyclopaedia. A biblography has been appended to each article including works that were helpful in writing the relevant topic as well as other significant works related to the theme. Most articles in this volume are written from the perspective of conservative scholarship.
Grateful acknowledgement is due to all who made this venture a success. When the author sat down at the library of Fuller Theological Seminary on October 7, 1994, Rev. Ezra Jungho Oh sat at the next table. In the course of conversation the author mentioned the necessity of a Bible Encyclopaedia in the Sinhala language. The author had very little idea of the complexity and scope of the task, but was encouraged by Rev. Oh to embark on the project. Ever since Rev. Oh has been a constant source of encouragement and support. He is at present the senior pastor of the Saeronam Presbyterian Church, Daejeon, South Korea.
『 이 책은 (스리랑카의) 신할라어로 된 성경 백과사전의 7권 중의 6번째 권입니다. 이 여섯 번째 권이 나오기까지 도움을 주신 모든 분들께 감사를 드립니다. 1994년 10월 7일, 본인은 풀러신학교의 도서실에서 옆에 앉아계시던 오 (에스라) 정호 목사님을 만나게 되었습니다. 서로 대화를 나누는 가운데, 본인은 신할라어로 된 성경 백과사전의 필요성을 언급하였습니다. 당시에 본인은 이 일의 어려움과 방대한 규모를 잘 모르면서 그러한 이야기를 하였는데, 오정호 목사님께서는 이일을 시작하도록 격려하여주셨습니다. 이때 이후로 오정호 목사님께서는 계속해서 격려와 후원을 아끼지 않으셨습니다. 현재 오정호 목사님께서는 대한민국의 대전에 있는 새로남교회의 담임 목사로 시무하고 계십니다. 』
Another person who deserves credit for the completion of this task is Mr. Ivor Poobalan, the Principal of the Colombo Theological College. He has been a source of strength at every turn granting every facility to the publication of this seriec.
The Council of the Colombo Theological Seminary has always been helpful to prepare this publication. The staff of the seminary provided indispensable clerical, secretarial and accounting services to this project.
The author wishes to express his gratitude to, and appreciation of, Rev. Fr. Henry Silva of the Supubath Sevana, Ekala and Rev. Fr. Daya Shelton Velikadarachchi of the National Seminary, Ampitiya who made useful suggestions and have cooperated in going through the proofs and suggesting corrections. Prof. Anura Wickremasinghe of the Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo has contributed to the quality of the Sinhala language of this volume.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude that I express my indebtedness to Rev. Sam Sherrard of the Leeward Community Church, Honolulu for encouraging me whenever he had an opportunity. Mr. Charles Silva helped the author in going through the typed script and making corrections and valuable suggestions. His work is greatly appreciated. Thanks are due to Ms. Anupama Ratnayake for typing the manuscripts into the computer.
The students of the Colombo Theological Seminary have also contributed by their valuable suggestions.
The author is grateful to the sponsors of this project: the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, Hilfe für Brüder e.V. and Open Doors Internationalforfinancial assistancetopublish this volume. It is their generosity that places this series within the affordability of its intended readers.
We hope that notwithstanding imperfections and limitations of treatment this series of volumes may afford assistance to Bible students in enabling them to increase their knowledge of the Word of God.
G.P.V. Somaratna
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